Work With Me
Take the risk that will set you free.
Gamble on what’s best in you.
Come fully alive.
Be audacious.
We all harbor dreams of doing something totally audacious. But those dreams often simmer within us, merely making us restless, burning our eyes.
Sooner or later, we must choose:
Will you leave those dreams as they are— anemic images locked inside, known only to yourself?
Or will you blow on their embers till they burst, lighting up city and forest, earth and sky?
Dont just survive the storms of this tumultuous era… Use them as the springboard that plunges you onto your life’s most fulfilling adventure yet…
In our work together, my clients have made massive improvements in their Performance, Purpose and Legacy and see the following results:
- Magnified income and net worth.
- Growth in their relationships, and in their standing in their communities.
- Blossoming love lives— more and better sex.
- A deeper sense of purpose and resilience.
- Greater concern for the collective— an increasing desire to serve
- Clarity regarding the Legacy they wish to leave behind
Together we can forge that path for you too. Are you ready? Let’s go!
How I Work
Coaching & Advising
Consistent mentorship and coaching calls initiate breakthroughs and then sustain them, ensuring powerful results over time.
In Person Immersions
Carving out several days especially for the work of transformation in a curated, one-on-one retreat is among the most significant gestures you can make for your personal development.
Transformational Journeys
The most potent work we will do together in finding wholeness.
A dive to the depths of your heart, mind, body and soul. This is the journey to discover and release your blocks and reveal what you don’t know that you don’t know.
Coaching & Advising
My work is an invitation to reveal your inner king, or inner queen. It is a call. A call to liberate yourself, to access your nobility.
Roam the palace of your life with authority and grace. Feel as at home in the banquet hall as you do in the treasury, the bedroom, the cellar— every hall optimized, every chamber illuminated.
And trust that that illumination will light up the world.
Ever present under the restless waves of your own mind and heart, there is a voice, a very special voice.
Often it is clouded by the dust of emotion, overthinking, and by the heat of instinct. But it is always there— like groundwater, like the blood in your veins.
I call this voice the Inner Knowing.
You will know this voice by its timbre: It is clear, steady, and quiet. It resonates with an effortless power.
Once you learn to tell it apart from that jangling choir of doubts and passions, desires and analysis, know that you can trust this voice. It knows what is for you in this life.
Learn first to hear it, then to trust it– and then follow its whisperings, no matter how wild they sound to you at first.
I have spent more than twenty-five years of my life refining this core insight. It is my North Star. I live this way— and I can teach you how to live this way too.
Together we will create a connection between you and your Inner Knowing. And I promise you: That voice is an unerring compass. It is awaiting its role to guide you on the amazing adventure that is your life.
If you’re ready to begin…
Can you feel it?
The world is shifting so fast— our global economy, our climate, even our health.
Where can we find the insight to respond optimally and optimistically in this era of radical flux? (Hint: In You!)
Now might be a particularly important time to consider an immersive experience that REALLY connects you with your Inner Knowing.
I curate customized, in-person, multi-day journeys with leaders ready to stand up, empowered — even now, especially now..
My clients transform:
- To think bigger in their business enterprises, often bursting into higher strata of their chosen professions.
- To evolve their relationships with their children and spouses into more refined harmony and connection.
- To rewire thinking patterns, reprogram emotional responses, and access decisiveness.
- And more!
If you want to send your life into high gear by improving your daily performance, deepening your sense of purpose, and beginning to realize the legacy you’ve imagined for yourself…
Then let’s go already!